Hi all!

I'm an artist, and relatively familiar with computer stuff, though mostly of the Photoshop/Dreamweaver/Flash variety, which I have taught myself. I am completely new to Excel. I have a Mac running 9.2 and my version of Excel is 98. All I want to do right now is print out an invoice for a customer, a very long invoice with many items ordered. I found the invoice template and I customized it just fine, but I can't figure out how to get the invoice itself to extend so the bill can be the 3 or 4 pages long it needs to be. I also (since, like I said, I am for the most part self-taught) don't know a whole lot about what things are properly called within the program, in fact I'm not even sure I know just what a spreadsheet is (!), so I'm having a terrible time finding an answer to my question and am rather overwhelmed with all the info out there.

I'm sure Excel can make an invoice with more than one page of items, but I don't know where to look. Help!

Thalia Took
