On Mon, 29 Aug 2005 01:09:43 -0500, Paul Sheppard
<Paul.Sheppard.1uikqc_1125299179.3739@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:
>LurfysMa Wrote:
>> Is there anyway to copy an entire sheet to an existing sheet and
>> overlay whatever was there?
>> I know I can copy a sheet and create a new sheet, but then I have to
>> rename it.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Running Excel 2000 SP-3 on Windows 2000
>Hi LurfysMa
>Select the whole sheet you want to copy, by clicking in the square top
>right corner above 1 and left of A, all cells will go grey, then from
>the Edit Menu click copy, go to the sheet you want to overlay the data
>on to and click in cell A1, then from the Edit menu click on paste
That's essentially what I tried. I thought it didn't work because the
text on the new sheet was much larger than the text on the old one.
What I didn't notice was that I had set the Zoom factor to 75% on the
old sheet, whereas it was 100% on the new one.
It works just as you describe.
Running Excel 2000 SP-3 on Windows 2000