My "Special Sort" Excel add-in offers nine additional sorting methods.
It includes the "xArticles" sort that excludes leading "A", "And", "The"
when sorting. It will also sort numerically, by color, by text length,
in reverse and others. It can also include borders with the sort.
I have almost completed a new option to sort leading numeric values
by their written text equivalents (while excluding articles).
For instance it will sort in the following order...
Three Brothers
The Twelve Chairs
20,000 Leagues under the sea
28 Days
2001: a space odyssey
Two-Land Blacktop
Not exactly the same as the sort in "Film & Video companion",
but very close. The updated add-in will be available as soon as
additional testing is complete.
If you want to give it a try, let me know.
It comes with a two page Word.doc install/use file and is free upon direct request.
Remove XXX from my email address.
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA
wrote in message
Thank you all for the suggestions. That is basically what I expected, I
was just wondering if there was a simple work around or feature already
built in. Thanks