Firstly you need a helper columned, so assuming titles in A, use B

Then you can simply remove all 'A ' and 'The ' with

","")),"a ","")

The number is trickier. Twenty-eight will come after thirty-one, that cannot
be correct surely, and it gets worse, one hundred and twenty-eight comes
after eight! I suggest no bothering, have then isolated.

Anyway, then sort by column B.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

"JediLuke" <> wrote in
> I am making an inventory of movies I have, and I would like the sort the
> list alphabetically.
> However many movie titles begin with 'a' or 'the' and I would like to
> know if words like these to be ignored when sorting.
> In addition, I would like to know if the sorter can treat numerical
> values as letters. For example, the film '28 Days Later' would be filed
> as if it were 'Twenty-Eight Days Later.'
> This is a simple single column list, I would only like titles to be
> sorted as if it were a library catalogue. If anyone knows the solution
> to my request, I would appreciate a response. Thanks.
> --
> JediLuke
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