If your data are contiguous, COUNTA(A:A) will give you the result. If
not, Activesheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.rows.count,1).end(xlup).row will
give you the last row with data. Adjust the result for the offset for


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

In article <002F6E02-45CE-4E74-AF82-67DA460FFF8F@microsoft.com>,
RyanCain@discussions.microsoft.com says...
> How do I find out how many rows have data in them starting with row 4 and
> beyond? It's ok if I just know that column A has data in it.
> I'm using VBA. I don't know how to use functions very well. But I know
> visual basic some. So if you could give me some VBA code to do this, that
> would be great. Thanks.