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cut and paste to different worksheet

  1. #1

    cut and paste to different worksheet

    > Experts
    > I am working on excel sheet to make a daily production report. In my
    > worksheet, there are 300 rows selected for a week and column from A to W. Column F is named as "STATUS".

    When a particular job finishes, person on the section puts C (C means
    Completed) in the column F. What I am after is as soon as column F (Status)
    goes C, then information for that job from column A to column W should get
    copied automatically to another worksheet 3.

    consider in one day 10 jobs gets completed onto a section then 10 jobs
    infomation from column A to column W should get copied automatically onto
    worksheet 3 as soon as status (column F) gets updated to "C".

    Any workable suggestion will be greatly accepted.
    Thanking in anticipation!!!

  2. #2

    Re: cut and paste to different worksheet

    One play to try ..

    Assume source table is in Sheet1, cols A to W, data from row2 down
    (Key column is col F, key input in col F is: C)

    In an empty col to the right, say col X

    Put in X2: =IF(F2="","",IF(F2="C",ROW(),""))

    Copy X2 down to say, X100 to cover the max expected data range for the
    source table (can copy down ahead of expected data input)

    (Leave X1 empty)

    In Sheet3
    Paste the same col headers into A1:W1

    Put in A2:


    Copy A2 across to W2, fill down to W100
    (cover the same range as was done in col X in Sheet1)

    Format the cols as per the source cols in Sheet1

    Sheet3 will return the desired results, i.e. only the rows from the source
    table where the status input in col F in Sheet1 is: C, all bunched neatly at
    the top

    Adapt to suit ..
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "MINAL ZUNKE" <> wrote in message
    > Hi
    > > Experts
    > > I am working on excel sheet to make a daily production report. In my
    > > worksheet, there are 300 rows selected for a week and column from A to

    W. Column F is named as "STATUS".
    > When a particular job finishes, person on the section puts C (C means
    > Completed) in the column F. What I am after is as soon as column F

    > goes C, then information for that job from column A to column W should get
    > copied automatically to another worksheet 3.
    > consider in one day 10 jobs gets completed onto a section then 10 jobs
    > infomation from column A to column W should get copied automatically onto
    > worksheet 3 as soon as status (column F) gets updated to "C".
    > Any workable suggestion will be greatly accepted.
    > Thanking in anticipation!!!

  3. #3

    Re: cut and paste to different worksheet

    Thnx for your suggestion. I tried your solution. I think you gave me correct
    solution but I didn't tell you that in my worksheet 1, I have VB script and
    conditional formatting which evaluates if I put some variables in cells.

    First of all, information in columns from A to E gets filled automatically,
    If I run query developed in MS ACCESS. I have recorded macro for that and
    allocated a button to it.
    Say I have data from A4 to E4
    A104 to E104 (filled in automatically after
    running macro)

    In column B heading is "Customer Name" and (B4 to B104) change colour
    depending on the customer name.
    In column D heading is "Due Date" which has 3 condition in it based on "if
    function" and changes colour if evaluates true.
    column F is what I am trying to utilize as Key column for my trick.
    column G has VB script and cnditional formatting related to it. Column H
    gets filled up automatically depending on the result of the column G.
    column I and J have again VB script and conditional formatting related to
    them. column K gets filled automatically depending on result of column I &
    column L & M have VB script and conditional formatting related to them.
    column N gets filled automatically depending on result of column L & M.
    column Q conditons is based on the result of column G & column(I or J) &
    column (L OR M).
    So your solution is not working as it should have. What I was thinking to
    write VB script something like that

    If( Target . Column = 6) then (here A=1, B=2, C=3, ...., F=6, ....., Z=26)
    if Target. Value = "C" then
    Select entire Row( I don't know how to select that entire row using VB
    select cut ( I think like Selection.Cut)
    make sheet 3 active ( don't know)
    select next available blank row(don't know)
    select paste (selection.paste)
    save sheet3 (don't Know)
    make sheet 1 active ( don't know)
    save sheet 1 as well (don't know)

    If you can help me I will be very thankful.
    Thanking you in anticipation!!!

  4. #4

    Re: cut and paste to different worksheet

    You're welcome. But I'm not able to help you with the vba Qs. Do hang around
    awhile for possible insights from others to these. Or, consider putting in a
    fresh post in .programming.
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com

  5. #5

    RE: cut and paste to different worksheet

    thnx max for your efforts

    "MINAL ZUNKE" wrote:

    > Hi
    > > Experts
    > > I am working on excel sheet to make a daily production report. In my
    > > worksheet, there are 300 rows selected for a week and column from A to W. Column F is named as "STATUS".

    > When a particular job finishes, person on the section puts C (C means
    > Completed) in the column F. What I am after is as soon as column F (Status)
    > goes C, then information for that job from column A to column W should get
    > copied automatically to another worksheet 3.
    > consider in one day 10 jobs gets completed onto a section then 10 jobs
    > infomation from column A to column W should get copied automatically onto
    > worksheet 3 as soon as status (column F) gets updated to "C".
    > Any workable suggestion will be greatly accepted.
    > Thanking in anticipation!!!

  6. #6

    Re: cut and paste to different worksheet

    You're welcome !
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "MINAL ZUNKE" <> wrote in message
    > thnx max for your efforts
    > cheers

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