I have a workbook with 12 worksheets in Excel 2000. Each worksheet relates to
a department (these are to do with hours)
I want to create 12 different workbooks, one for each department, and have
the data from the relative departmental worksheet in the original workbook
inserted into the new workbooks. These also, if possible, need to be updated
when the user opens them whenever the original user updates the master.
I've tried embedding a linked object in the new workbook and selecting the
master workbook...but when the user double clicks on the "inserted"
worksheet, it opens the master workbook and shows ALL the worksheets.
I've also tried protecting the master workbook...for some reason this
doesn't work...nor does it ask me for a password (is it because I'm using it
on the machine I opened the master on??!)
Does anyone know how to go about this?
Really stuck. Any help appreciated