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[SOLVED] Convert "Time Interval" in "hours : minutes : seconds" to seconds

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  1. #1

    [SOLVED] Convert "Time Interval" in "hours : minutes : seconds" to seconds

    I wish to compare the cost of telephone calls between various telephone
    service providers available to me.
    I have downloaded a list of itemised call made by me from my present
    provider and I wish to compare the cost of each call if I had used
    alternative providers.

    I'm OK with the basic mathematical formulae - but I need to convert a "Call
    Duration" in "hh:mm:ss" format to seconds.

    (I could use the "Text to columns" facility and then multiply the " Minutes
    Column by 60 and the hours column by 360 - and add the three columns together
    but feel this is clumsy when there must be a "nicer - easier way)

    Thanks for your help.

    Ian M

  2. #2

    RE: Convert "Time Interval" in "hours : minutes : seconds" to seconds



    Where A1 is the time interval



    "Ianukotnorth" wrote:

    > I wish to compare the cost of telephone calls between various telephone
    > service providers available to me.
    > I have downloaded a list of itemised call made by me from my present
    > provider and I wish to compare the cost of each call if I had used
    > alternative providers.
    > I'm OK with the basic mathematical formulae - but I need to convert a "Call
    > Duration" in "hh:mm:ss" format to seconds.
    > (I could use the "Text to columns" facility and then multiply the " Minutes
    > Column by 60 and the hours column by 360 - and add the three columns together
    > but feel this is clumsy when there must be a "nicer - easier way)
    > Thanks for your help.
    > Ian M

  3. #3

    Re: Convert "Time Interval" in "hours : minutes : seconds" to seconds

    If A1 contains the duration in hh:mm:ss, say: 10:10:10

    Put in B1: =A1*24*60*60
    and format B1 as general (or number)

    B1 will return the time in seconds: 36610
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "Ianukotnorth" <> wrote in message
    > I wish to compare the cost of telephone calls between various telephone
    > service providers available to me.
    > I have downloaded a list of itemised call made by me from my present
    > provider and I wish to compare the cost of each call if I had used
    > alternative providers.
    > I'm OK with the basic mathematical formulae - but I need to convert a

    > Duration" in "hh:mm:ss" format to seconds.
    > (I could use the "Text to columns" facility and then multiply the "

    > Column by 60 and the hours column by 360 - and add the three columns

    > but feel this is clumsy when there must be a "nicer - easier way)
    > Thanks for your help.
    > Ian M

  4. #4

    Re: Convert "Time Interval" in "hours : minutes : seconds" to seconds

    If the time column is in "true" XL recognizable time format as you stated
    (hh:mm:ss), then all you have to do is format your total cell, or even each
    individual cell (if you choose) to the custom format:
    The square brackets prevent the seconds from rolling over into minutes, and
    then over into hours.

    You could also link your individual time cells to a separate column, and
    format that column to [ss], so that you might have a displayed comparison.


    Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
    "Ianukotnorth" <> wrote in message
    > I wish to compare the cost of telephone calls between various telephone
    > service providers available to me.
    > I have downloaded a list of itemised call made by me from my present
    > provider and I wish to compare the cost of each call if I had used
    > alternative providers.
    > I'm OK with the basic mathematical formulae - but I need to convert a

    > Duration" in "hh:mm:ss" format to seconds.
    > (I could use the "Text to columns" facility and then multiply the "

    > Column by 60 and the hours column by 360 - and add the three columns

    > but feel this is clumsy when there must be a "nicer - easier way)
    > Thanks for your help.
    > Ian M

  5. #5

    Re: Convert "Time Interval" in "hours : minutes : seconds" to seco

    Ragdyer, The problem I find with this method is that you can't then do
    calculation on that cell. For example a time interval of 01:00:00 formatted
    as [ss] give you 3600 but then in another cell if you try adding 1 to it you
    get 1.04, instead of 3601.


    "Ragdyer" wrote:

    > If the time column is in "true" XL recognizable time format as you stated
    > (hh:mm:ss), then all you have to do is format your total cell, or even each
    > individual cell (if you choose) to the custom format:
    > [ss]
    > The square brackets prevent the seconds from rolling over into minutes, and
    > then over into hours.
    > You could also link your individual time cells to a separate column, and
    > format that column to [ss], so that you might have a displayed comparison.
    > --
    > HTH,
    > RD
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > "Ianukotnorth" <> wrote in message
    > > I wish to compare the cost of telephone calls between various telephone
    > > service providers available to me.
    > > I have downloaded a list of itemised call made by me from my present
    > > provider and I wish to compare the cost of each call if I had used
    > > alternative providers.
    > >
    > > I'm OK with the basic mathematical formulae - but I need to convert a

    > "Call
    > > Duration" in "hh:mm:ss" format to seconds.
    > >
    > > (I could use the "Text to columns" facility and then multiply the "

    > Minutes
    > > Column by 60 and the hours column by 360 - and add the three columns

    > together
    > > but feel this is clumsy when there must be a "nicer - easier way)
    > >
    > > Thanks for your help.
    > >
    > > Ian M


  6. #6
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Convert "Time Interval" in "hours : minutes : seconds" to seco

    You can, you just have to understand it and how it is stored.

    You can either use =D14+1/(24*60*60) and also format as [ss] or use
    =(D14*86400)+1 and format as General.


    Bob Phillips

    "Jimbola" <> wrote in message
    > Ragdyer, The problem I find with this method is that you can't then do
    > calculation on that cell. For example a time interval of 01:00:00

    > as [ss] give you 3600 but then in another cell if you try adding 1 to it

    > get 1.04, instead of 3601.
    > J
    > "Ragdyer" wrote:
    > > If the time column is in "true" XL recognizable time format as you

    > > (hh:mm:ss), then all you have to do is format your total cell, or even

    > > individual cell (if you choose) to the custom format:
    > > [ss]
    > > The square brackets prevent the seconds from rolling over into minutes,

    > > then over into hours.
    > >
    > > You could also link your individual time cells to a separate column, and
    > > format that column to [ss], so that you might have a displayed

    > > --
    > > HTH,
    > >
    > > RD
    > >

    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > > Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit

    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > > "Ianukotnorth" <> wrote in message
    > >
    > > > I wish to compare the cost of telephone calls between various

    > > > service providers available to me.
    > > > I have downloaded a list of itemised call made by me from my present
    > > > provider and I wish to compare the cost of each call if I had used
    > > > alternative providers.
    > > >
    > > > I'm OK with the basic mathematical formulae - but I need to convert a

    > > "Call
    > > > Duration" in "hh:mm:ss" format to seconds.
    > > >
    > > > (I could use the "Text to columns" facility and then multiply the "

    > > Minutes
    > > > Column by 60 and the hours column by 360 - and add the three columns

    > > together
    > > > but feel this is clumsy when there must be a "nicer - easier way)
    > > >
    > > > Thanks for your help.
    > > >
    > > > Ian M

    > >
    > >

  7. #7

    Re: Convert "Time Interval" in "hours : minutes : seconds" to seco

    Formatting *only* changes the *display* of what the cell contains.
    Your 01:00:00 cell contains *one hour*.

    When you add 1 to it, what do you *think* that you are adding?
    1 day- 1 hour - 1 minute - 1 second ? ? ?

    On a new sheet, with 01:00:00 entered in A1, and formatted [ss].
    In B1 enter:
    You'll get 90000
    Which means the 1 (to XL), means one day (8640 seconds), added to one hour
    (3600 seconds).

    My suggestion was aimed at strictly providing a *display* mode of seconds.


    Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !

    "Jimbola" <> wrote in message
    > Ragdyer, The problem I find with this method is that you can't then do
    > calculation on that cell. For example a time interval of 01:00:00

    > as [ss] give you 3600 but then in another cell if you try adding 1 to it

    > get 1.04, instead of 3601.
    > J
    > "Ragdyer" wrote:
    > > If the time column is in "true" XL recognizable time format as you

    > > (hh:mm:ss), then all you have to do is format your total cell, or even

    > > individual cell (if you choose) to the custom format:
    > > [ss]
    > > The square brackets prevent the seconds from rolling over into minutes,

    > > then over into hours.
    > >
    > > You could also link your individual time cells to a separate column, and
    > > format that column to [ss], so that you might have a displayed

    > > --
    > > HTH,
    > >
    > > RD
    > >

    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > > Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit

    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > > "Ianukotnorth" <> wrote in message
    > >
    > > > I wish to compare the cost of telephone calls between various

    > > > service providers available to me.
    > > > I have downloaded a list of itemised call made by me from my present
    > > > provider and I wish to compare the cost of each call if I had used
    > > > alternative providers.
    > > >
    > > > I'm OK with the basic mathematical formulae - but I need to convert a

    > > "Call
    > > > Duration" in "hh:mm:ss" format to seconds.
    > > >
    > > > (I could use the "Text to columns" facility and then multiply the "

    > > Minutes
    > > > Column by 60 and the hours column by 360 - and add the three columns

    > > together
    > > > but feel this is clumsy when there must be a "nicer - easier way)
    > > >
    > > > Thanks for your help.
    > > >
    > > > Ian M

    > >
    > >

  8. #8

    Re: Convert "Time Interval" in "hours : minutes : seconds" to seco

    Don't get me wrong, I understand how it works.
    I was simply trying to point out that when u use [ss] what you see is not in
    a sense what you get.


    "Ragdyer" wrote:

    > Formatting *only* changes the *display* of what the cell contains.
    > Your 01:00:00 cell contains *one hour*.
    > When you add 1 to it, what do you *think* that you are adding?
    > 1 day- 1 hour - 1 minute - 1 second ? ? ?
    > On a new sheet, with 01:00:00 entered in A1, and formatted [ss].
    > In B1 enter:
    > =A1+1
    > You'll get 90000
    > Which means the 1 (to XL), means one day (8640 seconds), added to one hour
    > (3600 seconds).
    > My suggestion was aimed at strictly providing a *display* mode of seconds.
    > --
    > Regards,
    > RD
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > "Jimbola" <> wrote in message
    > > Ragdyer, The problem I find with this method is that you can't then do
    > > calculation on that cell. For example a time interval of 01:00:00

    > formatted
    > > as [ss] give you 3600 but then in another cell if you try adding 1 to it

    > you
    > > get 1.04, instead of 3601.
    > >
    > >
    > > J
    > >
    > > "Ragdyer" wrote:
    > >
    > > > If the time column is in "true" XL recognizable time format as you

    > stated
    > > > (hh:mm:ss), then all you have to do is format your total cell, or even

    > each
    > > > individual cell (if you choose) to the custom format:
    > > > [ss]
    > > > The square brackets prevent the seconds from rolling over into minutes,

    > and
    > > > then over into hours.
    > > >
    > > > You could also link your individual time cells to a separate column, and
    > > > format that column to [ss], so that you might have a displayed

    > comparison.
    > > > --
    > > > HTH,
    > > >
    > > > RD
    > > >

    > >
    > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > -
    > > > Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit

    > !
    > >
    > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > -
    > > > "Ianukotnorth" <> wrote in message
    > > >
    > > > > I wish to compare the cost of telephone calls between various

    > telephone
    > > > > service providers available to me.
    > > > > I have downloaded a list of itemised call made by me from my present
    > > > > provider and I wish to compare the cost of each call if I had used
    > > > > alternative providers.
    > > > >
    > > > > I'm OK with the basic mathematical formulae - but I need to convert a
    > > > "Call
    > > > > Duration" in "hh:mm:ss" format to seconds.
    > > > >
    > > > > (I could use the "Text to columns" facility and then multiply the "
    > > > Minutes
    > > > > Column by 60 and the hours column by 360 - and add the three columns
    > > > together
    > > > > but feel this is clumsy when there must be a "nicer - easier way)
    > > > >
    > > > > Thanks for your help.
    > > > >
    > > > > Ian M
    > > >
    > > >


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