I have a workbook that contains 14 sheets. I have a sheet for each month
followed by 2 sheets for information.

Each Month sheet has the following column headings associated from columns A
through J:-

Owner; from date; number of days; to date, address, ID, month, input by;
date; time.

I have to input data in columns A, B, C E, H, I and J.

Columns A and H are pick lists.

I have formulas in the following columns:-

Column C: =IF(ISBLANK(Cnn),"",+Bnn+Cnn)

Column F: =IF(ISBLANK(Enn),"",+Fnn+1)

I want column I to be populated AUTOMATICALLY (do not want to use the
Control and semi-colon etc ) with the current date (dd mmm yy format) and
column J to be populated with the current time (format hh:mm am/pm) only when
column H is not blank.

Once the date and time have been entered in columns I and J, I do not want
it to be updated with a new time the next time someone goes into the work
book or when the date changes the following day. It should only be populated
to ‘blanks’ is there is no data in column H

Additionally, I do not have any experience of creating macro’s or VBA and
therefore the information given needs to be plain!!

Any help greatly appreciated.