I'm having a problem with Auto Row Height in Excel. The problem occurs when text is wrapping to the next line. If a single word is wrapped to a new line, that line won't show in the Auto Row Height. If I edit the contents of the cell to add a space after the last word, the Auto Row Height picks up the last line and displays it correctly.
Please see the two attachments. I typed 22/5/24 - Reminder sent to builder in the first row and Auto Row Height worked. I cut and paste to the other rows and it didn't ... until I added a space at the end. I've also added ... to highlight the fact that I added the space. But there is no space in the first row. If I then delete the space and ..., leaving "builder" on the second line by itself, Auto Row Height will hide the word "builder".
Am I doing something wrong or is this a MS Excel "feature".