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Count of line items (Unique one, which is extracted after removing duplicates) from column

  1. #1
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    Count of line items (Unique one, which is extracted after removing duplicates) from column


    I have list of line items in columns which is repetitive in nature. I want to count the number of unique items from list. Here unique as in not the one which is only once in the column but unique = count of items ( after removing duplicates).

    Can someone please help me.


  2. #2
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    Re: Count of line items (Unique one, which is extracted after removing duplicates) from co

    In Excel 365 / 2019+, you would just use


    In 2016-, array-enter (enter using Ctrl-Shift-Enter)




    Do not use the entire column, or include blanks in the range passed to the formula.
    Bernie Deitrick
    Excel MVP 2000-2010

  3. #3
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    Re: Count of line items (Unique one, which is extracted after removing duplicates) from co

    Hi Bernie,

    Thanks for the response.

    This formula gives me unique list of line items. I am looking for line items (which is unique also and items listed multiple times). Sorry if I confused you.

    Thank you.

  4. #4
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    Re: Count of line items (Unique one, which is extracted after removing duplicates) from co

    Welcome to the forum.

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  5. #5
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    Re: Count of line items (Unique one, which is extracted after removing duplicates) from co

    There are a number of techniques to extract the unique values (or distinct values, as some refer to them) from a list.

    The first is to use Advanced Filters - select your list of values, then choose the Data tab, then "Advanced" from the sort and filter section, and choose the "Copy to another location" and "Unique records only" options.

    The second is to insert a pivot table and use your values as the row data - if you want a count of each, then re-use your values in the data ares.

    The third is to use a column of formulas, like this to highlight the first value of each instance in column A, with the formula in cell B2:


    Copy that down, then use this formula


    and copy down until the formula return blanks.

    Then there are a ton of VBA methods....

  6. #6
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    Re: Count of line items (Unique one, which is extracted after removing duplicates) from co

    Hi thanks for the suggested formula, this works

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