Hi all, I'm new here and fairly new to Excel so be gentle with me please
I am currently building a yearly rota for about 200 staff over various locations in the business. Now, I have the rota so far that any updates the staff send me gets updated in the Master rota automatically over the 12 months (Jan to Dec). I have also (finally!) managed to get the days of the year to change automatically to reflect whether or not a date falls on a Sunday or a Monday and so on, as you change the year. This to me was a necessity as I want to build a rota that lasts a few years.
Now my problem is the following:
I want to build a thirteenth sheet that pulls the preceding months' data into one sheet showing a specific person's year divided into months. I have built the sheet to show the months, dates and days (days and dates change automatically with the year) and I know how to pull the data for one person into the sheet. However, I want to be able to use a pull-down menu so that I can change whose data I am looking at. For example if I select Person A, it should show his date for the whole year. If I select Person B it should then change to show his, and so on. I can put together a fairly usable pulldown menu using Data Validation and Lists but I don't know how to make it change the data in the page.
I have tinkered around with VLOOKUP and so on but have run into a brick wall. I am a complete idiot when it comes to VBA and I hope I don't need to use Macros to get this working.
I would really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.