I can't speak in-re Outlook. but in general:
Consider how you will import the responses into Excel:Will you import the returned forms into a common folder and read them from there?
What will you do with the returned Forms after you import the responses?
How often will these be sent out?
Since I am basically an Excel VBA programer, I came up with this attachment as a starting point.
It has all the details needed to add employees to the form and programatically add and read information into and from the form.
Note that I would use both Row and Col offsets = 0 in any code in order to provide "Code Smell" visual indicators.
I would suggest that, rather than have a manager indicate new employees in some comment cell, that you include a few blank EmployeeSections at the bottom of the form.
I left the Grid visible to show how I laid out the form. All text inputs and labels Cells have been Merged, so it is important that all FormDescriptors reference the Top-Left cell of all merges.
Sample code to reference the Support Staff CheckBox of the third employee (EmpSectionNumber = 3) listed on the Form. This would work for any number of Employees/Sections.
'Assumes the code is tracking the number of sections on the Form
Range(EmpSectionsStartCell).Offset _
(((EmpSectionNumber - 1) * EmpSectionRowOffset) + EmpPositionRowOffset), _
If you ever modify the layout of the form, merely edit the Form Descriptors to suit. I would use an Enum in the code to hold them, but you can "Find" them on their sheet or use the named Ranges from the same sheet. It really depends if a user or a programmer will maintain the form.