i'm new to vba. i've done all the prelims, but now i'm stuck.
having trouble creating a function which does the following:
1. acknowledges the current server as a parameter (which has been randomly chosen by code i've already written)
2. generates the winner of a particular point according to pre-designated statistics
(pre designated stats are:
(a) prob of first serve being in
(b) prob of winning point on first serve
(c) prob of second serve being in
(d) prob of winning point on second serve
(if first and second serve are both out then the other player wins the pt)
3. simulates a whole game of tennis (player x serving throughout the game) and returns a winner (player x or player y)
4. then simulates a whole set
5. then simulates a match (first to 3 sets)
would appreciate your help, ty.