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Sorting From Date and To Date

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  1. #1
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    Sorting From Date and To Date

    Hai Friends..

    In my attached file, I want to sort based on Date.. i.e From Date --- To Date.. Can anyone solve my problems please..

    Thanking You...
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Sorting From Date and To Date

    Select your table starting from row 2, apply autofilter and then for column A choose to custom filter:
    is greater than:
    from date
    is less than
    to date

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Sam Capricci's Avatar
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    Re: Sorting From Date and To Date

    Looks sorted by date already unless you want time included into the sort. If so then use custom sort and by Date first, add level for time and smallest to largest.
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    Sam Capricci

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Sorting From Date and To Date

    Put this formula in H3 of Sheet1:


    and copy this down to the bottom of your data, or beyond if you want to allow for future expansion. Then put this formula in H7 of Sheet2:

    =IFERROR(MATCH(ROWS($1:1),'Sheet 1'!H:H,0),"-")

    Put this formula in A7 of Sheet2:

    =IF(OR($H7="",$H7="-"),"",INDEX('Sheet 1'!B:B,$H7))

    Copy this across to F7, then use the format painter to apply the same formats from B3:G3 of Sheet1 to A7:F7 of Sheet2. Then copy the formulae from row 7 down as far as you need them (e.g. to row 200). Then you can change the dates in D1 and/or D2 and the display will automatically adjust.

    Hope this helps.


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