I would like to calculate the moving average for the first ten rows in a column where each new entry is added to the cell above the last entry.
For example
A5, 2
A6, 3
A7, 4
A8, 5
A9, 6
A10, 7
A11, 8
A12, 9
A13, 10
A14, 11
A15, 12
Therefore in the current list the average is AVERAGE(A5:A14)=6.5.
The next entry added to the list will be in cell A4 making the list look like this
A4, 1
A5, 2
A6, 3
A7, 4
A8, 5
A9, 6
A10, 7
A11, 8
A12, 9
A13, 10
A14, 11
A15, 12
The average of the first 10 cells is now AVERAGE(A4.A13) = 5.5
I would like to enter one formula in say cell A1 that will calculate the moving average in the first ten cells each time a new entry is added. Naturally as needed, new rows are added below cell A1. I hope my problem is clear.
I would be grateful to the solution to this problem as I have been unable to solve it myself.
I would be very grateful to the answer to my problem. I have tried using offset but have been unable to resolve the issue.