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Standard Deviation of Groups in List

  1. #1
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    Angry Standard Deviation of Groups in List

    I have a big dataset, and I am trying to determine the standard deviation of separate groups. The groups are in a single column, for simplicity sake let's say they are just "A" and "B." The scores are in a second column. I want to have a single forumla that I can paste into a "Group Standard Deviation" column that will discern whether the group column has a value of "A" or "B."

    I tried the suggestion here, also demonstrated here:

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    In my case:
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    But I am getting a "#DIV/0!" error.

    I think I am getting the error becuase my groups are differentiated in the same column (A2:A21), so I only have RangeX and RangeX. It appears that this approach only works if RangeX is different than RangeY.

    Is there a way to do this? Below is sample data.


    ColumnA ColumnB
    A 1
    A 2
    A 3
    A 4
    A 5
    A 6
    A 7
    A 8
    A 9
    A 10
    B 10
    B 20
    B 30
    B 40
    B 50
    B 60
    B 70
    B 80
    B 90
    B 100

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Standard Deviation of Groups in List

    Welcome to the forum.

    I can't tell what you're trying to do, but no values survive that test because no column A value can't be both "A" and "B". Watch the formula evaluate.

    If you want the SD of the A group,

    =STDEV(IF(A2:A21="A", B2:B21))
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
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    Re: Standard Deviation of Groups in List

    Thanks for the reply. Sorry to be unclear.

    I am trying to enter a formula into one new column, that I can paste down the whole column, that will calculate the standard deviation for the values in Column B only of the rows where there is a specified value of Column A (i.e., "A", then "B", etc. etc.).

    So, for example, if Column A = A, the formula would generate a standard deviation for the values in Column B -- but only for B2:B11. And when Column A = B, it would calcluate the standard deviation for the values in Column B -- but only for B12:B21.

    Essentially, I want a single column with standard deviations in Column C for each subgroup listed in Column A.

    I hope that makes sense. And it is possible. . . .

  4. #4
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Standard Deviation of Groups in List

    This is still a muddle to me. Maybe in C2 and copy down,

    =STDEV(IF(A$2:A$21=A2, B$2:B$21))

    But all of those formulas are going to give one of two answers.

  5. #5
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    Re: Standard Deviation of Groups in List

    Again, apologies -- I must be having a hard time making this clear. Here is what I want the outcome to look like:

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    Column C gives the standard deviation of Column B, but by the subgroups in Column A. So when Column A = "A", the standard deviation is calcluated only for A2:A11 and is 3.027. When Column A = "B", the standard deviation is calcluated only for A12:A21, and is 30.276.

    Is that possible?

  6. #6
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Standard Deviation of Groups in List

    The formula in my last post gives exactly that result.

  7. #7
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    Re: Standard Deviation of Groups in List

    So it does! I of course forgot to use the "ctrl+shift+enter" when I replied!

    Thanks so much! And for sticking with me!

    Question: is there a way to copy/paste that formula down the column? I am getting an error: "You cannot change part of an array."

    NEVERMIND (I had to move to the next cell after the copied one first!)
    Last edited by mbwd; 03-14-2014 at 12:56 PM.

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