Hello Excellers,

I am working on creating a pivot table where the data is being deprived from a database. More details are described below:

Deprived Data:
A:A is a list of names
B:B is a list of four different labels

Issue #1: B:B has UP to four different labels (Some could have 1, 2. 3 or all 4 labels and so on).
Issue #2: B:B would look like this Apple, Berry, Cabbage, Dragonfruit. I want to be separated in its own column (Text-to-Column??)
Issue #3: In the pivot table, I want the labels to have approriate labels in their own columns regardless of the number of labels each name has (i.e. All Apple should be located in the column of "Apple", all Berry should be located in the column of "Berry" and so on)

An example of the raw data:

Name Label(s)
V Apple, Berry, Cabbage
X Berry, Cabbage
Y Apple
Z Apple, Berry, Cabbage, Dragonfruit

The 'result' pivot table I would like to see is below:

Name Apple Berry Cabbage Dragonfruit
V ✓ ✓ ✓
X ✓ ✓
Y ✓
Z ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

I have a feeling this is actually an easy thing to develop... But I lack the expertise to do so.

Help would be much appreciated!
