Hi Richard.
I am sorry about that and i will try to make it simple this time. i am starting afresh here so consider the responses above as void. i have re-attached 2 snaps as under. Kindly see them. Each is from a worksheet within a workbook. there are 2 worksheets named Accounts and Checks.
Accounts worksheet.jpgChecks Worksheet.jpg
Accounts worksheet has 3 columns. Column B contain account names, column C contains the corresponding account codes and column A contains the corresponding ID.
My concerned worksheet is Checks.
in that, Column U contains some of the account names and the corresponding ID under column V (similar to columns A and B). i created an empty column W and want the account codes of Column C (Accounts worksheet) to auto-fill here based on the values in column V.
I am new to excel so i don't know what to match with what or which values to lookup.
simply put i want column W to show account codes as in Column C.
Note that these worksheets are not limited to just 10 rows. so i need a formula that would do the job and which would apply to the whole Column W so that if any new entries are made i.e. beyond the 10 row, Column W would automatically display the account codes based upon what is there in either column U and/or V.