I have spreadsheet with the following information. I am at a loss as to how to approach this - any assistance is MOST appreciated :) :
Column A=Project (A6:A35)
A6=project 1
A7=project 2
A8=project 3
Column E3 = 02-03-14 (Monday), E6:E35 contains forecasted hours for each project
Column F3 = 02-08-14 (Saturday), F6:F35 contains actual hours for each project
Column G3 = 02-10-14 (Monday), G6:G35 contains forecasted hours for each project
Column H3 = 02-15-14 (Saturday), H6:H35 contains actual hours for each project
This continues to the last week of February, where the forecasted hours are column K (Monday, 02-24-14) and the actuals column L (Saturday 03-01-2014). The columns continue in this manner for the next 2 years. All months have four weeks associated with them.
I am trying to obtain a total of actual hours for each month (i.e., the weeks in February, including Saturday, March 1st). This total resides on another worksheet.
Sheet1=Hours / Sheet2=Summary