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Connect data from hundreds of closed workbooks to one workbook

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  1. #1
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    Connect data from hundreds of closed workbooks to one workbook

    Dear Scientists,

    I have a simple problem but I really can't find an elegant solution (not ctrl + c and ctrl v).

    Workbook "2014 Sales.xlsx" must have 12 worksheets, one per month, which one must have 31 columns that gets data from workbooks 2014 01 01.xlsx; 2014 01 02.xlsx; 2014 01 03.xlsx;... and so on, as externals links. And I must say that, I can NOT work with 31 different workbooks all open at the same time!

    I know that, there is no way to make INDIRECT (....) read from closed workbooks. Period.

    Is there a simple way to make that work? Maybe by using =vlookup(....)...

    I did a small example, but it gives you an idea.

    Thanks and keep it easy, literally. 2014 01 01.xlsx2014 01 02.xlsx2014 01 03.xlsx2014 Sales.xlsx
    Last edited by rgmatos3; 03-04-2014 at 11:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert p24leclerc's Avatar
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    Re: Connect data from hundreds of closed workbooks to one workbook

    What about the 2 sheets you have in each day worrkbook? You probably want the sum of every sheets for one specific shop. Don't you?
    Why don't you have all of this in only one workbook, even one sheet?
    Or at least have a full month in only one sheet adding columns like State and date to the actual Shop and Sales columns.
    Pierre Leclerc

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  3. #3
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    Re: Connect data from hundreds of closed workbooks to one workbook

    In reality I don't make the daily workbook. They come to me already done.

    They have something like 5 different worksheets. And I only need information from 2 of them. Something like 15 rows in one and 2 rows in the other sheet.

    The problem is that, I have to do all this from 2008 up to this day and to the future.

    I want something like:

    =SUMIF(INDIRECT("'[2014 01 "&TEXT(B$2;"00")&".xlsx]NY'!$A:$A");$A3;INDIRECT("'[2014 01 "&TEXT(B$2;"00")&".xlsx]NY'!$B:$B"))+SUMIF(INDIRECT("'[2014 01 "&TEXT(B$2;"00")&".xlsx]CA'!$A:$A");$A3;INDIRECT("'[2014 01 "&TEXT(B$2;"00")&".xlsx]CA'!$B:$B"))

    But this don't work with closed workbooks. That's the problem.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert p24leclerc's Avatar
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    Re: Connect data from hundreds of closed workbooks to one workbook

    this formula will update even if workbooks are closed. But It will take some time to do this.
    Change the actual path in the formula to your real workbooks' location.
    =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A3,'C:\Data2\test\[2014 01 01.xlsx]NY'!$A$2:$B$5,2,FALSE),0)+IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A3,'C:\Data2\test\[2014 01 01.xlsx]CA'!$A$2:$B$5,2,FALSE),0)

  5. #5
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    Re: Connect data from hundreds of closed workbooks to one workbook

    Yes, It will take some time. I will have to change column by column.

    Anyway, I will keep lookink for another solutions. My deadline is thursday.


  6. #6
    Forum Expert p24leclerc's Avatar
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    Re: Connect data from hundreds of closed workbooks to one workbook

    You may want to try this macro that will open every files and extract the sum of the shop sales from every tabs it contains.
    Look at the comments in the code for some specifics issues about this code.
    Public Sub Lookup_Values()
    'in order for this macro to work you must follow those rules:
    '1. Files names must be structured as YYYY MM DD.xlsx (ex. 2014 05 15.xlsx)
    'Months and days lower than 10 must have a 0 before the digit
    '2. Put this workbook in the same folder as all the other files.
    '3. The year is calculated from the tabs name in the code below
    '4. The tabs name must be written as a data in the format MMM YY would be in your regional settings.
    '   (ex. in english February 2014 would be Feb 14 but in french it would have been Fév 14)
    '   I don't know what it will be in protuguese but it has to be that way because
    '   I use the tab name in the month function to find the month and year of this tab.
    Dim Sh_Temp As Worksheet, File_Name As String, C_ell As Range, Y_ear As String
    Dim M_onth As String, D_ay As String, WB As Workbook, Sh_A As Worksheet
    Dim F_ound As Range, S_hop As Range
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each Sh_Temp In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
       For Each C_ell In Range("B2", Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft))
          'This section is creating the file name based on the tab's name and the number in row 2 of each file.
          Y_ear = Year(Sh_Temp.Name)
          If Month(Sh_Temp.Name) < 10 Then
             M_onth = "0" & Month(Sh_Temp.Name)
             M_onth = Month(Sh_Temp.Name)
          End If
          If C_ell < 10 Then
             D_ay = "0" & C_ell
             D_ay = C_ell
          End If
          File_Name = Y_ear & " " & M_onth & " " & D_ay & ".xlsx"
          If Dir(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & File_Name) <> "" Then
             'This line open the specific file for this month and day
             Workbooks.Open Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & File_Name
             Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
             For Each S_hop In Range("A3", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
                'This line erases the original content of the target cell
                'If you don't want this to append, DELETE IT or COMMENT IT
                'In this case the values of the files will be added to existing amount in cell
                Cells(S_hop.Row, C_ell.Column) = 0
                'This section looks into every sheet in the file and adds the shop's sales
                For Each Sh_A In WB.Worksheets
                   Set F_ound = Sh_A.Columns(1).Find(What:=S_hop, Lookat:=xlWhole)
                   If Not F_ound Is Nothing Then
                      Cells(S_hop.Row, C_ell.Column) = Cells(S_hop.Row, C_ell.Column) + F_ound.Offset(0, 1)
                   End If
             Workbooks(File_Name).Close False
          End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Hope this will help.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Connect data from hundreds of closed workbooks to one workbook

    Pierre Leclerc,

    I'm sorry not to have answered before, but everything went just fine.
    Actually what saved me was a small adjustment of your formula with IFERROR and VLOOKUP.
    Many thanks for the help!
    Do not worry there will be other questions! :p
    Thanks again.

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