Hello to all -
I am working on a report but I need help with the split of text cells that contain text and numbers. I had worked in some formulas and also received help in the forum, but I got stuck again when I drag down the formulas. In the attached file, you will see two tables. The one in the left is my current job. In the table of the right is how the table must look like. The table is complete and will give you the whole idea.
Basically, I need to split the cell into three categories that are "Family", "Model" and "Phase". In example:
Cell Family Model Phase
DC50X DC 50 X
DPC2434 DPC 2434
DCT-1700 DCT 1700
DCT-1800 DCT 1800
DCT-1800P3 DCT 1800 P3
DCT-1800P4 DCT 1800 P4
I will be gald to receive your help. And due to Security Settings, please no VBA codes.
Best regards and please have a great day.
Matamoros, Mexico.