
I am new to this forum and i have seen lot of examples and got used of it.

I made a user form in excel with VBA mode. It has List box, text box etc... and also i have four different xl sheets. Each sheet has the name as Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4
All the sheets has serial no: starts from CELL A1 as 1 and then A2 as 2, A3 as3 ................GOES ON....
In the userform when i select the sheet1 from list box and then writing serial number in text box... Remaining details available in other boxes of forms should be displayed in the related cells after the click "Enter" on th form.
Example: VBA USER FORM carries the below fields.
Sheet Name: Sheet1
Serial no: 3
Currency: USD
Amount: 3000

In Excel Sheet data as follows to be displayed after the click in user form. Similarly it should work for other sheets also while selecting in the user form and to be listed in appropriate related cells.

Sheetname: Sheet1
1 1
2 2
3 3 USD 3000

Thanks in advance