Hello Everyone,
Sorry for bothering you but I think this is my last resort.
The thing is that I have various numbers and percentage which have about 12 digits after "," example: 33,4999084472656% or 12,4649963378906.
Now the thing is that I need to compare these figures with updated once which differ relatively little.
However in the presentation just rounded numbers are shown (lets say in the cell we have 33,4999084472656% but it is shown as 33.5%).
The question is how to highlight them if the number has changed from 33,5 to 33,4 or 33,6 and so on? This however does not apply if any other number after the comma has changed except the very first one, which is seen during the overview.
I've tried entering formula in CF =Round($A$1;1)<>ROUND($B1$1;1) though it seems excel doesn't like it.
I would be grateful for your tips and help!
Thank you in advance!