I have a form made that needs to copy a value from another sheet. The Form is 10 rows 5 columns and and in format for easy print. On sheet2 I have a column where each row is filled with a name.
I need to put this name into sheet1, so in the the appropriate cell I put =Sheet2!B2 and it gives me the value (name) from the other sheet.
Then I want to copy the form bellow the 1st one so that I have the same form but with the next name, which means I want =Sheet2!B3 to appear when I copy, but since my form is 10 rows when I copy it the formula copies to =Sheet2!B12 instead of B3.

I need to make close to a thousand of this forms ready for printing and I would like to avoid having to manually set the formula for the next cell.
Thank you in advance.