Hello, Richard.
I have corrected that line to what you had said and I am not getting any errors! Thank you. The only problem I have now is that the log won't update until I save the workbook. So it does seem to be reading and updating the information from the Accom. Log, it just isn't showing up until the save button is clicked. Would an automatic save macro fix this, do you think? If so, how can I include this into the lines of code I already have.
I've decreased the amount of time for the autosave function to see if that would help, but it doesn't. It still will only update when I have manually clicked the save button.
Accom - Collective Data 1.xlsm
Sub UpdateFromLog()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
If Range("H2") = "Y" Then End
Workbooks.Open Filename:="T:\O\Op Info\NICCI HARROW\ACCOM SUPPORT\NEW ACCOM LOG 2014.xlsx", Notify:=False
Call OnTimeMacro
Range("H2") = "N"
End Sub
Sub OnTimeMacro()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:" & CStr(Range("H1")) & ":00"), "UpdateFromLog"
End Sub
Sub StopUpdate()
Range("H2") = "Y"
End Sub