There's a small example to get you started in the attached workbook. When you open it make sure that your Excel application is set to Manual calculation. It will be if this is the first workbook you have opened in your excel session, but if not just click on the Formula menu item, go to Calculation options over on the right and click Manual calculation.
Now have a look at cell I9. it has a formula =I8+1. Enter a number in I8 and you'll see nothing changes. Now click the 'Calculate this sheet' button and you'll see that the cell I9 now changes. That's because the button has run the small macro - see picture attached.
To get to the macro environment click hold down the ALT key and hit he F11 key.
See how there is a Module1 with a single procedure called 'CalculateSheet1' with the instruction Sheet1.Calculate.
Macros are not always that simplebut hopefully you get the idea. The macro is attached to the button. right click the button to see the 'Assign Macro option.
You'll need to take this gently step by step.