You can write a custom function (user-defined-function) with vba. For example, something like:
Public Function find_sheet_name(rng As Range)
Dim count, found_rng As Range
count = 1
Do Until Not found_rng Is Nothing And count < 100
Set found_rng = Sheets("" & count).Range("B1:B50").Find(rng)
count = count + 1
If found_rng Is Nothing Then
find_sheet_name = "Not Found"
find_sheet_name = found_rng.Parent.Name
End If
End Function
might work if you are working with unique values. Press Alt+F11 to open the vba editon, then select insert->module and paste the code in the new module.
Then on your worksheet, you can use it as you would another function, so:
should return the sheet on which the value in A1 is stored.