This is probably me being dim, but anyway....

I have a spreadsheet of project issues that includes 2 columns rating their current status (likelihood and impact). One column uses values shown as numbers (1-5) and the other uses letters A-E. The letters have numeric values 1-5. These columns are manually multiplied and entred in a third column to give an overall status rating.

I can't change the format of the spreadsheet, (otherwise I'd just make both columns numbers!) so I want to put a formula into the third column that will multiply the first two automatically, (without me having to think about which number "C" stands for!). I've looked all over but so far all the examples I've tried just come up with errors (#NAME, and #VALUE most often) or Excel tells me I've created a circular reference - so now I am just getting frustrated!!

Any help really, really, REALLY, appreciated!!