I'm trying to get Excel 2010 to automatically generate a custom timeline in a separate tab using data I enter in a different tab. In the attached example, the data in the first tab ("daily log") tracks the number of trucks parked at a certain yard by the state they are registered in, their company, and their ID number. I would like Excel to automatically generate the timeline I've created by hand in the second tab ("Timeline (desired outcome)"). I need a formula that returns a "1" if several conditions are met (see comments in example) and a " " if those conditions are not met. I played around with IF(AND...) functions, but I've never used them before and couldn't make them work. There are a few complicating factors: there aren't a consistent number of trucks at the yard per day, and some trucks changed their ID numbers during the data period. I use a blank row, highlighted in dark grey, to visually differentiate days. This row can be filtered out with the "null" column. Any help you could provide would be most appreciated!