Hi Experts,
thanks for reading into my case!
I am currently working on a nutrition plan and meal calculator. For this I have a table of a few hundred foods including their nutrition facts, which are divided into different columns in the respective row of the food item.
What I am looking for is a way to 1) select the food item on another work sheet in a drop-down list AND 2) let the respective nutrition facts be displayed besides.
This could look like that:
| | = 1 cell
1. Row (headline): |Food item|Amount (g)|Energy (kcal)|Protein (g)|…etc.
2. Row: |Drop-down list with food items (auto-complete)|100|398|25|…etc.
3. Row: ----||----
4. Row: ----||----
5. Row: ----||----
6. Row: ----||----
7. Row: ----||----
8. Row: |Sum:|450|2345|150|...etc.
The numbers in the second row should adjust according to the food item selected. Row 3 to 7 should look like the second row.
It would be already very helpful if you could just point me into the right direction, as my limited excel vocabulary doesn't allow a very specific search (I do have used it before!). Thank you very much!