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When a sheet name is entered in a cell & a shape is press it should open that sheet

  1. #1
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    When a sheet name is entered in a cell & a shape is press it should open that sheet


    I have 3 sheets eg. ( jan13 , mar13 , may13 ) . when I enter one of these names in a cell in another sheet & press a button ( drawn by inserting a shape ) it should open that particular sheet

    Pls tell me how to do this


  2. #2
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    Re: When a sheet name is entered in a cell & a shape is press it should open that sheet

    do you really want to press a button?

  3. #3
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    Re: When a sheet name is entered in a cell & a shape is press it should open that sheet

    I would do this completely differrently.

    When you open the workbook, read all the sheetnames into an array.
    then create a data Validation list in the cell that you are interested that lists the sheet names.

    Finally run a macro whenever you change that cell to switch sheets.

    So post your spreadsheet so I can show you how.

    Back in ten mins.

  4. #4
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    Re: When a sheet name is entered in a cell & a shape is press it should open that sheet

    Perhaps another option would be to create a list of all sheet names and hyperlink them, so when you click on the sheet name, you go there.

    right-click on a cell and select "Name a range" call it Sheetnames.
    then in "refers to, copy this...

    Now, where you want the sheet names to appear, copy this down...

    This will create a list of hyperlinked sheet names. Copy it way past how-ever many sheet you have

    If you really still want to have this in a shape, let me know
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  5. #5
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    Re: When a sheet name is entered in a cell & a shape is press it should open that sheet

    I have attached the file & instructions are on the first sheet. I prefer to select the sheet by assigning the macro to the button

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  6. #6
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    Re: When a sheet name is entered in a cell & a shape is press it should open that sheet


    'If you don't want to push a button
    your code is:-

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    Last edited by mehmetcik; 12-14-2013 at 03:32 PM.

  7. #7
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    Re: When a sheet name is entered in a cell & a shape is press it should open that sheet

    If you insist on using a button then your code becomes:-

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