Hey Guys-
I did some searching but couldn't find anything relevant enough (or lacked the effective query) to solve my problem. I am a tournament director for a random draw doubles league on a weekly basis- playing disc golf. Typically the way we pair teams is by drawing names out of four containers that are based on division, those divisions being Professional, Advanced, Intermediate, and Recreational. Pro is the highest skill level and Rec is the lowest, so ideally we pair Pros with Rec players first and then move to pairing Adv with Int, and we do so until we run out of players in any given group and move to the next logical one. (If we run out of rec players some Pros play with Int, or if we run out of Pros, Adv players are paired with Rec. and so on...) I would love to have a more fluid way of pairing teams, as it currently takes anywhere from 20-30 minutes to pair teams given a pool of 50 players. I know there must be some way to set up a spreadsheet to more effectively solve my enigma, and I am decently versed in Excel, but totally stumped here.
Any thoughts?