
Every week I take a large spreadsheet (~90 columns) and break that into smaller spreadsheets (~15 columns) manually. The smaller spreadsheets are subsets of the larger sheet but columns are in a specific order and sometimes not like the sequence of the large sheet. I typically just go in and manually copy all the columns into a new spreadsheet with all the accompanying row data, then delete the columns I don't need. But this takes forever!

Is there a way to pull only the required columns and data into my reoccurring smaller sheets?

For example:
The large spreadsheet has columns:

The smaller sheet has columns in this order:
or even

I created templates for each smaller reoccurring spreadsheet (just with the columns and no data) so I know which columns to bring over. I tried using a VLOOKUP formula but I have to know the col_index_num and that changes for each smaller sheet.

I am sure many of you have been in this same instance whereby you want to pare down a huge file into a smaller one but manually deleting or copy/pasting only those columns is tedious.

Many thanks!