The table on Sheet 1 is being used a record system for history of each lifting equipment we mobilized to our client for rental. The Door No. (Column A) is a name for each equipment. The Date Mobilized is the date when equipment left our premises and started working on site and Date Demobilized is the date when equipment went back to our yard.

To explain my requirement, refer to the first 7 rows indicates that the Door No. ATC0005. It was mobilized 7 times but demobilized 6 times. Meaning that the equipment is currently deployed because the last mobilization dated 01-Jul-13 doesnt have an corresponding data of Demobilization. My first requirement is to have a filter where in it will show the list of currently mobilized equipment. In that case I just go to Date Demobilized and filter it by only showing the blanks.

My second requirement is to know how to filter to only show the available equipment. I was able to analyze it this way: For example we take a look at the history of FLD0001, it has 5 Mobilization Date and 5 Demobilization Date. So i need to know a function to filter a Door No. that has the same number of Mobilization Date and Demobilization Date. My first solution is to just filter the Date Demobilized to not show blanks hence it will show all equipment that has the same number of Date Mob. and Date Demob. But my exact requirement is to have a real time report on a separate sheet (refer to Sheet 2).

Sheet 2 is report for equipment status. Under Equipment (Column A) are the list of equipment. Using the data available on Sheet 1, the cells under Client (Column B) should be filled up either "Available" or "Deployed".

Lastly, for all Deployed equipment only the Client Name should also be retrieved on the report on Sheet 2.

filter values.xlsx