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Macro to Generate 'Live' Document with Data Analysis

  1. #1
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    Macro to Generate 'Live' Document with Data Analysis

    Hi all,

    I have a problem that may require a VBA to make it run smoother, but I am unsure. I have been looking at this for a while and hit a brick wall.
    I am looking at generating ‘live’ minutes, which can be updated and automatically rearranged depending on certain criteria. It will reduce the manual input needed at present to complete these minutes. But also allow data to be extracted from the necessary cells.
    I am currently using conditional formatting to allow a specific cell to be filled when another has the letter a in it (turns into a tick depending on font). But would like the below criteria to make the entire spreadsheet ‘live’.
    Attached is a sample of the layout.
    1. Order:
    a. Firstly by Column U
    b. Then by the progression of column G, H, I, J, K, M, O, R and S. Explaining this further, if the line has a tick, “a”, or “c/p” (Columns M and O), then the line that has the most filled in is closer to the top than one that hasn’t had and text in the cells. Basically H cannot be completed if G hasn’t got text in it etc. I have applied the conditional formatting to these cells on the sample.
    c. Finally column A (which contains numbers and letters)
    2. The end of each week to have a line automatically split the weeks ups that id Grey across columns A- W. Monday is a new week.
    3. If there is no date, it needs to be at the bottom in a section TBC Dates. When a date is inputted this needs to automatically arrange according to the date as above.
    4. Again if a line is inputted then this information needs to automatically arranged in the above format.
    5. If column W is ticked then the entire line has to be Cut and pasted on as a new line in Tab labelled Column W.
    6. Additional: Column T have the ability to put several initials in one column on a multiple list possibility, maximum of 3.
    7. Finally is the data analysis part:
    a. Data to be extracted automatically and generated in the tabs Column L, N and T
    b. Data to be separated per week in the above tabs for the particular columns and specific initials
    c. For each specific initial in column L, T and N the data required is the number in column E + 2x Column F. This number is then totalled together for the week, for each initial. (This data can be altered, so would need to adjust the data analysis, so a macro button could be beneficial to update this data)
    I hope this is clear, any questions I will do my best to explain.


    Last edited by Pubhub; 11-26-2013 at 11:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: Macro to Generate 'Live' Document with Data Analysis

    My apologies I had copied and pasted the title from an email without noticing what it was, and I was aware of the rules but just was not paying attention to what I had put as the title.

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