You're welcome.
The IFERROR part returns a blank cell if the VLOOKUP formula doesn't find a value. The VLOOKUP takes the value in A2 and searches down the column D from D2:D216 for a match. When a match is found, the value in column E is returned. The 0 means that the match has to be exact.
This VLOOKUP formula does the same thing as the first formula only this time the formula is looking for a match in the country name. If a match is found, the country name is returned and if not "Not in column A" is returned. This is accomplished by the 1 just after the range $A$2:$A$253.
As a visual cue, Conditional Formatting was used to highlight "Not in column A" by using this formula in Conditional Formatting:
Select column G and then go to Conditional Formatting, New Rule, Use Rule.... and enter the formula.