I can sort your data, if I add two additional columns used for sorting only
as follows:
a. The first column is a sequence number used to keep items in order after
the sort, and also can be used to restore your data to it's original order.
b. The second column is a concatenation of the 'Advisor Fee' (with additional
leading Zeros added as required, depending on the largest fee) and the
User Name.
For example the additional columns in your sample data would be:
00002 00000050.00Daniel
00003 00000050.00Daniel
00004 00000050.00Daniel
00005 00000015.00Simon
00006 00000015.00Simon
00007 00000015.00Simon
00008 00000020.00Gerry
00009 00000020.00Gerry
00010 00000020.00Gerry
You would sort with the second column as the primary sort, and
the first column as the secondary sort. I couldn't find foolproof
formulas to create the data and keep the data after sorting, so I went
the Macro route.
See the attached Worksheet (written and tested in Excel 2003), but it should
work in your version. I included the following Macros that can be activated by
'Buttons' on your worksheet:
a. Clear Columns F and G.
b. Add Sequence Numbers in Column F and Advisor Fee / Client Name in Column G.
c. Sort by Sequence Number
d. Sort by Advisor Fee / Client Name
Option Explicit
Private Const nStartROW = 2
Private Const sClientNameCOLUMN = "A"
Private Const AdvisorFeeCOLUMN = "C"
Private Const sSequenceCOLUMN = "F"
Private Const sFeeAndClientNameCOLUMN = "G"
Sub ClearGroupSortData()
Dim sRange As String
sRange = sSequenceCOLUMN & ":" & sFeeAndClientNameCOLUMN
End Sub
Sub PrepareForGroupSort()
Const myRGB_Pretty_Pink = 13408767 'Obtained through anecdotal evidence
Dim myRGB_Color As Long
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim irow As Long
Dim sAdvisorFee As String
Dim sClientName As String
Dim sData As String
'Clear the Extra Columns
Call ClearGroupSortData
'Insert Header data
irow = 1
Cells(irow, sSequenceCOLUMN) = "Sequence"
Cells(irow, sFeeAndClientNameCOLUMN) = "FeeAndName"
'Find the last row in the Worksheet
iLastRow = GetLastRowSheet(ActiveSheet.Name)
'Loop through the data
For irow = nStartROW To iLastRow
'Get contents and color of the 'Client Name' cell
sData = Cells(irow, sClientNameCOLUMN).Text
myRGB_Color = Cells(irow, sClientNameCOLUMN).Interior.Color
'Process only if the cell has data
If Len(sData) > 0 Then
'Get the new 'Client Name' and 'Advisor Fee' if column 1 is 'Pretty Pink'
If myRGB_Color = myRGB_Pretty_Pink Then
sClientName = Trim(Cells(irow, sClientNameCOLUMN).Text)
sAdvisorFee = Trim(Cells(irow, AdvisorFeeCOLUMN).Text)
'Format the 'Advisor Fee' for sorting Purposes
sAdvisorFee = Format(sAdvisorFee, "00000.00")
End If
'Set the 'Sequence' value for the row (Leading "'" makes it text and not a number)
Cells(irow, sSequenceCOLUMN) = "'" & Format(irow, "0000000")
'Set the Fee And Advisor value for the row
Cells(irow, sFeeAndClientNameCOLUMN) = sAdvisorFee & sClientName
End If
Next irow
End Sub
Sub SortBySequenceNumber()
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim sRange As String
'Find the last row in the Worksheet
iLastRow = GetLastRowSheet(ActiveSheet.Name)
sRange = "A1:G" & iLastRow
Range(sRange).Sort _
Key1:=Range(sSequenceCOLUMN & "1"), Order2:=xlAscending, _
Header:=xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, _
MatchCase:=False, _
Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
Sub SortByAdvisorFeeAndClientName()
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim sRange As String
'Find the last row in the Worksheet
iLastRow = GetLastRowSheet(ActiveSheet.Name)
sRange = "A1:G" & iLastRow
Range(sRange).Sort _
Key1:=Range(sFeeAndClientNameCOLUMN & "1"), Order1:=xlAscending, _
Key2:=Range(sSequenceCOLUMN & "1"), Order2:=xlAscending, _
Header:=xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, _
MatchCase:=False, _
Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
End Sub
Function GetLastRowSheet(SheetName As String) As Long
GetLastRowSheet = Sheets(SheetName).UsedRange.Row - 1 _
+ Sheets(SheetName).UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Function