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Transferring information to multiple worksheet in the same workbook using a drop down list

  1. #1
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    Question Transferring information to multiple worksheet in the same workbook using a drop down list

    Hi! I started a new job and am dealing with a worksheet that I have to copy paste the same information into multiple worksheets. I have created a master workbook in which I want to have equations that link to the different locations automatically and hide the equations so they cannot be changed or viewed but still allow input in the cell if possible. In my "working" worksheet I have created a drop down that shows the different locations that I want the information to transfer to. What I also would like to do is have the information transfer when an option is selected. For example, if I need an offer to also be shown on the homepage then I would select the location "Row1 Offer1" in the drop down for homepage placement and I would need cells B7:F7 to copy over to the cells in the homepage tab. All the cells have the same headings so they can literally copy over in the same order but I don't know how to get it over without a long nested equation for every option. There is also a tab called ATG promos that would carry over information that I select "Y" in the drop down list. I know this sounds crazy and I hope I'm explaining it well. I have attached the file for reference. My working tab is the "Regular Banners" and the ones I need the information to carry over to is the "Homepage", "Super Banners" and "ATG Promos". You will see the drop down lists I created in columns r,s,t to select the information to be transferred to each area. I would appreciate any help you can offer. I have been researching this for two weeks now on and off using Google and haven't had much luck. Thank you so much for all your help!!!
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    Last edited by ExcelGigs; 11-05-2013 at 01:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: Transferring information to multiple worksheet in the same workbook using a drop down

    I am not seeing the working worksheet in your sample file.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Transferring information to multiple worksheet in the same workbook using a drop down

    Thank you for your quick response arlu1201! The working sheet is the one labeled "regular banners". Is it not there?

  4. #4
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    Re: Transferring information to multiple worksheet in the same workbook using a drop down

    Workbook Template in Progress.xlsxI am reloading the file in case there were any issues. I have attempted several things with formulas but I'm still not getting it right. I just need the information to copy over if a certain selection is chosen from the drop down list in the Regular Banners tab. I would really appreciate any help/advice I can get. Thank you all for your time!!

  5. #5
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    Exclamation Re: Transferring information to multiple worksheet in the same workbook using a drop down

    I have researched some more and still can't seem to find a solution. I have simplified the workbook to make it easier to manage. I am working off one worksheet(Office Supplies Regular Banners). At the end of each row there are drop down lists to indicate additional location for those offers. If the Homepage Location is marked as "Rotator 1" I would like the information in cells B7:F7 to automatically show in B6:F6 for Rotator 1 of the Homepage tab. I want to do the same thing for Super Banner where if the drop down list indications Row 1 Offer 1 it transfers B7:F7 into B6:F6 in Row 1 Offer 1 row in the Super Banners tab. In the ATG Promos if Office Supplies 1 is selected I just want C7(the offer) to go into A14.

    Since the drop down list can change based on different selections, I was trying different equations to basically get it to say if the drop down list indicates x location then copy Bx:Fx into those cells. These are the equations I was trying based on some information I found. They are not transferring over the information so I'm not sure if these are the best type of formulas.
    =MATCH("Rotator 2",'Office Supplies Regular Banners'!R6:R216,'Office Supplies Regular Banners'!B6:B216)
    =SUM(INDEX('Office Supplies Regular Banners'!B6:F246,MATCH("Rotator 3",'Office Supplies Regular Banners'!R6:R246,0),))
    =INDEX('Office Supplies Regular Banners'!B6:F246,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX("Rotator 4",'Office Supplies Regular Banners'!R6:R246,),0))

    I hope this makes sense a little more. I am just looking for a way for the information to transfer over to all the individual worksheets without copy pasting everything a bunch of times. I would appreciate any help I can get!!
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