If you can use VBA ...
Add this UDF to your workbook:
Public Function RandLong1(Optional bVolatile As Boolean = False) As Long()
' Returns an array of random numbers 1 to n to the calling range
' Adapted from J.E. McGimpsey http://www.mcgimpsey.com/excel/randint.html
Dim nNum As Long ' number of numbers
Dim nRow As Long ' rows in calling range
Dim nCol As Long ' columns in calling range
Dim aiTmp() As Long ' initialized to sequential numbers
Dim aiOut() As Long ' output array
Dim iNum As Long ' index to aiTmp
Dim iInx As Long ' decrementing ceiling for iRnd
Dim iRnd As Long ' random number 1 to iInx
Dim iRow As Long ' row index to aiOut
Dim iCol As Long ' column index to aiOut
If bVolatile Then Application.Volatile
If Not TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then Exit Function
With Application.Caller
nRow = .Rows.Count
nCol = .Columns.Count
nNum = nRow * nCol
End With
ReDim aiTmp(1 To nNum)
ReDim aiOut(1 To nRow, 1 To nCol)
' initialize aiTmp with sequential numbers
For iNum = 1 To nNum
aiTmp(iNum) = iNum
Next iNum
iInx = nNum
For iRow = 1 To nRow
For iCol = 1 To nCol
iRnd = Int(Rnd() * iInx) + 1
aiOut(iRow, iCol) = aiTmp(iRnd)
aiTmp(iRnd) = aiTmp(iInx)
iInx = iInx - 1
Next iCol
Next iRow
RandLong1 = aiOut
End Function
The select A1:E5 and paste this formula into the formula bar:
=INDEX(A6:A52, RandLong1())
Don't press Enter; instead, press and hold the Cntl and Shift keys, then press Enter.