I'm hoping someone can help me, I am a member of a Photo club and have been tasked with the upkeep of our website, the web site isn't the problem but the competition score are. We hold 5 monthly comp, with 4 section in each ( Intermediate prints, intermediate DPI's, Advanced prints, Advanced DPI's ), what I need is to create a spread sheet, where I input the results of each section of the monthly comp, I then copy these to the web site tables.
I then need to input the scores into the league table for each section, this works on the a total of the best 8 scores for each member.
here's how it works.
There are 85 members in the club, each member can enter 3 images into each comp.
I'm only interested in the top 20 of each section, these are scored by a judge from 20th to 1st and points are awarded as 1st place gets 20 points and 20th place gets 1 point.
This happens for 5 comps, so a member can have a total of 15 images by the end of the season, I need to create a workbook that will get the top 20 authors of each section and place them from 1st place down to 20th place. the I need to get the top 8 out of 15 scores to find the places in the league
I hope you can understand what I need and help me