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score sheet for photo competitions

  1. #1
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    score sheet for photo competitions


    I'm hoping someone can help me, I am a member of a Photo club and have been tasked with the upkeep of our website, the web site isn't the problem but the competition score are. We hold 5 monthly comp, with 4 section in each ( Intermediate prints, intermediate DPI's, Advanced prints, Advanced DPI's ), what I need is to create a spread sheet, where I input the results of each section of the monthly comp, I then copy these to the web site tables.

    I then need to input the scores into the league table for each section, this works on the a total of the best 8 scores for each member.

    here's how it works.

    There are 85 members in the club, each member can enter 3 images into each comp.
    I'm only interested in the top 20 of each section, these are scored by a judge from 20th to 1st and points are awarded as 1st place gets 20 points and 20th place gets 1 point.

    This happens for 5 comps, so a member can have a total of 15 images by the end of the season, I need to create a workbook that will get the top 20 authors of each section and place them from 1st place down to 20th place. the I need to get the top 8 out of 15 scores to find the places in the league

    I hope you can understand what I need and help me


  2. #2
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: score sheet for photo competitions

    Hi Johnny,

    Doesn't sound too difficult to pull together.
    Do you have anything set up so far that you're just trying to automate?
    If so, could you provide a copy so we can see what you're working with?

    Also, would "tie breaks" need to be taken into consideration at all?

  3. #3
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    Re: score sheet for photo competitions

    Hi thanks for you fast reply

    Sorry got nothing sorted as yet , don't know where to start.

    If you look here http://www.ayrps.com/Competitions/Main%20page.html
    and click Comp one results - intermediate or advanced, you will see what I mean.

    The league results haven't been filled in yet for the reason of this post.

    I will try and put something together and post it to you


  4. #4
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: score sheet for photo competitions

    Hi, whilst waiting for a reply from you I pulled together the attached.

    It's purely my interpretation of what your original post was leaning toward.

    Having had a look at the website, it would need a little tinkering to tie in image titles and things like that, but hopefully it's somewhere near useful to you.

    If you need further help with this, let me know.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: score sheet for photo competitions

    Hi BSB

    Cheers for this, it is kind of what I'm looking for, I might be able to work from it, but need to explain my need better, I'm sorry for not explain it correct the first time,

    Here is how it goes.

    Each member is either an advanced member or a intermediate member and cannot enter both.
    Each member can enter a total of 3 images spread over prints and dpi's, ( 2 prints and 1 dpi ) or (3 prints and no dpi) or ( 3dpi and no prints) you get the idea.

    So for a comp, there is 3 separate scores not just the total of all 3, ie first place getting 20 points, 17th place getting 4 points and so on, so 1 member can have 3 scores in 1 section and none in any other
    What you see on the website is what I receive from the comp sec, a total of 4 tables for each comp,

    Advanced and intermediate sections
    Prints and DPI for each section

    we have 5 comps per season so by the end of the season each member can have a total up to 15 scores,

    So I need a table that will looks at each every monthly results , totals each members scores and place them in a league table from highest to lowest, but only need the top 20

    I table has to do this after each time new results come in. by the end of a season, the table needs to find the 8 highest individual scores for each member, total it and place in the league table, i.e. below:-

    Members name, score 1, score2, score3, score4, score5, score6, score7, score8 TOTAL, and then sort from the highest score member to the lowest, but still only the top 20

    I hope this works, but as you can see, I cant get me head round it and would like to thank you for the help so far, you have no idea what this is doing to my head.



  6. #6
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: score sheet for photo competitions

    Leave it with me, Johnny. I will come back with something as soon as I've had a chance to get my head around all of the above info.

  7. #7
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    Re: score sheet for photo competitions

    ADD ON

    A tie breaker doesn't matter, they could be joint first if you you what I mean,

    I am stil working on something like I want and will post it soon

  8. #8
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: score sheet for photo competitions

    Quote Originally Posted by mrjboyle View Post
    ADD ON

    A tie breaker doesn't matter, they could be joint first if you you what I mean,

    I am stil working on something like I want and will post it soon
    That would be very helpful.

  9. #9
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    Re: score sheet for photo competitions

    Hi BSB

    I have thrown something together and hopefully is attached,

    I hope you will see what I mean, Comp1 has been filled in, but I'm still stuffing about the league table


    JohnnyAPS Comp Results.xlsx

  10. #10
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    Re: score sheet for photo competitions

    Oh and to add to my frustration
    The top 20 of each section might change every month

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