Hi master exceler's! I am trying to create three different conditional formats for my date tracker. I have attached an example of what I am trying to accomplish and tried to write out what the rule's are, just struggling on how to write the formulas. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Condition 1 - If the cell in column C's date is past due, change the cell red only if there isnt a date in the "Actual" column B
Condition 2 - If the cell in column C's date is coming up in the next 30s change the cell to yellow only if there isnt a date in the "Actual" column B.
Condition 3 - If there is a date in column A and Column B turn column C's cell green.
I am using this formula "=+IF(B3="",A3,B3)" to populate Column C.
Thanks again!!
Conditional Formatting.xlsx