Excel 2010; Windows 7

I have created default templates (book.xlmt and sheet.xlmt) so that whenever I open a new Excel workbook from the EXCEL shortcut or use Ctrl+N, I get the settings I desire. These are working prefectly if -- I add a worksheet to an existing workbook, it contains the default I setting I desire; if I open Excel, it opens to a blank workbook with my settings.

However, when I already have Excel open and go to File > New, 'Blank Workbook', the workbook that opens is in Excel’s default settings, not the formatting I defined in the book.xlmt file. How can I make the 'Blank Workbook' button open in the template I created? I realize I can a few clicks further and go to "my templates" and find book.xlmt, but I would rather the “blank workbook” button open to my default settings. Otherwise, there is no point to this button at all.

Any advice is appreciated.