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Bring back rents per location from data table

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    Question Bring back rents per location from data table


    Hope you are well. I want to create a basic report which allows me to pull rent numbers per several locations (locations A to F) onto a new tab.

    I have enclosed an attached spreadhseet of what I am trying to achieve. A description of each tab is below:

    Front sheet tab: This tab will allow me to select the specific location from location A to F
    Data set tab: This shows each location, number of units within each location, the name of the unit and the rent per month for that unit
    Retrieved data tab: This is the output tab of that I would like to see extracted from the data set tab for location A.

    I don't want to pull this data together in a pivot table becaue i will use the front sheet to pull through other data in the future.

    I hope this makes sense. Please get in touch if you require further clarification.

    Attached Files Attached Files

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