I want to change the color of one row (A-F) when a certain condition in column C is met. Example when cell C5 is equals to "Available", the A5 to F5 cell color should be changed. Same on column F once a value exceeds 6.00.automatic formatting.xlsx
I want to change the color of one row (A-F) when a certain condition in column C is met. Example when cell C5 is equals to "Available", the A5 to F5 cell color should be changed. Same on column F once a value exceeds 6.00.automatic formatting.xlsx
Hi. See sample file.
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try this, look into the conditional formatting function to see how it was done.
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Sam Capricci
Look at this link on conditional formatting
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Please see attached file
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Thank you AlKey for the response, the file you attached is working succesfully however. i would appreciate a step by step for me to have a knowledge and also to apply formatting to my other files.
miss_chole, since AlKey is offline now, he did it the same way I did it but he caught the one condition I missed. You go to the "Home" tab and under styles select "conditional formatting", then click on "new rule" and for the months deployed column (F) you select format only cells that contain cell value in the edit rule description and greather than and 6, then the format button and select the fill tab and the color you want then ok, ok and apply.
For the colored blue rows select you select "new rule" to add an additional rule, then "use a formula to determine which cells to format and I used =$C2="available" and copied down all the rows.
Hopefully that's clear.
EDIT: BTW, you can give kudos (* add reputation) to any (or all) who helped you so don't forget to give to AlKey, and if your pblm is solved don't forget to mark the post as such.![]()
Last edited by Sam Capricci; 10-02-2013 at 09:00 AM.
Hello miss_chloe,
1. The formula for the Blue colored cells: =($C2:$C$16="Available") . The important part is $C2 the number 2 is not absolute but relative.
Apply to area should be =$A$2:$F$16. This the entire range of the table.
Hope this hellp
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Thank you AlKey and SamboKid for the help, the blue cell color formatting is ok. But the orange cell color when cell is equals or greater than 6, im still stuck. Im on the Conditional Formattin Rules Manager windows and i already have a rule for the orange cell
and it applies toFormula:![]()
but its not working.
Click on conditional formatting >> manage rules >> select the rule for the orange formatted rule and click on edit rule, change the rule from "equals to" to Cell Value "greater than or equal to" and leave it as =6 and that should work, click ok then ok or apply. Should work for you.
Thank you Sambo kid. i figured it out. it works fine.
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