
Please i need an advise ASAP i have been using this statement and it cant help


and it just works for the first 2 values c1, c2 and doesn't fit for the others.
the case is i have more than one event at the same video and i need to confirm that no event was taken unless it is between start and end.

here are some samples:

Start dtime End Dtime Event Dtime
16/09/2013 22:13:34 16/09/2013 22:14:18 16/09/2013 22:13:38
16/09/2013 22:15:57 16/09/2013 22:24:30 16/09/2013 22:16:02
16/09/2013 22:24:30 16/09/2013 22:33:49 16/09/2013 22:17:32
16/09/2013 22:33:53 16/09/2013 22:35:05 16/09/2013 22:19:02
16/09/2013 22:35:05 16/09/2013 22:39:57 16/09/2013 22:20:02

So as you can see there are more than one event between one start and end dtimes

thanks guys