The information would have appeared in the Immediate window within the VBE. from pointpoint ALT+F11 CTRL+G
I modified the routine slightly to output to text file because the output was too much for immediate window, which is limited to 255 lines.
Sub X()
Dim shpTemp As Shape
Dim vntData As Variant
Dim vntLabels As Variant
Dim lngSeries As Long
Dim lngItem As Long
Dim intUnit As Integer
intUnit = FreeFile
Open "C:\temp\data.csv" For Output As intUnit
Set shpTemp = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1)
With shpTemp.Chart
For lngSeries = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count
Write #intUnit, .SeriesCollection(lngSeries).Name
vntData = .SeriesCollection(lngSeries).Values
vntLabels = .SeriesCollection(lngSeries).XValues
For lngItem = LBound(vntData) To UBound(vntData)
Write #intUnit, , vntLabels(lngItem), vntData(lngItem)
End With
Close intUnit
End Sub
I then opened that file in excel and did some cut/paste to re arrange the data.