Hi Frens,
While working in Excel, I faced difficulties in to Distribute Client Reserve amount respectively.There are some client who are repeatedly in my excel according to my Norms, we can't make reserve more than 100,00 in per client. Client ID is generated same as product id if client is only one, if client same for various product then client id is repeated. and we have standard Reserve to hold 100,000 each client. To hold each client Reserve we go first Self product then others product. but not exceed 100,000, please help me to
1 PID AMT type RCClient Total Amount each Client Standard Reserve per client Distribute Reserve if Client is repeated
2 1001 50000 SELF 1001 160000 100000 50000
3 1002 60000 OTHER 1002 147000 100000 60000
4 1003 70000 SELF 1001 160000 100000 50000
5 1004 40000 OTHER 1001 160000 100000 0
6 1005 12000 SELF 1002 147000 100000 12000
7 1006 75000 OTHER 1002 147000 100000 28000
8 1007 80000 SELF 1007 140000 100000 80000
9 1008 85000 SELF 1008 85000 85000 85000
10 1009 60000 OTHER 1007 140000 100000 20000

Please help me, how to calculate Distributed Reserve if client is repeated