Hi, I have four columns with Date, Shift Start time, Shift End time and Hours worked. I have many dates and times to enter but I would like to enter quick way without entering slashes and colons such as if I want to enter 9 September of current year, all I need to enter 909 and I should get "Mon 9 Sep 2013". And if I want to enter date of previous years, all I need to type 7812 and I should get "Tue 7 Aug 2012". For entering times, in Shift Start column I would like to enter 521 and I should get "5:21 PM" and in Shift End column I should get AM instead of PM. In the future, I might would like to change that to AM vice versa. For example AM for Shift Start and PM for Shift End. In Hours column, I would the number of hours worked by counting Shift End minus Shift Start. I can't enter so many dates and times by entering slashes and colons including AM or PM.

I am open for suggestion if its too short to enter date or time or if its not possible the way I want.

Thanks in advance.